Plants that help you sleep

24 Sleep-inducing Plants to Help You Rest Best at Bedtime


Plants can help you sleep!

Wishing for a night of solid, refreshing sleep is not just a pipedream; it’s vital to your well-being. Everyone’s needs are different, but adults who get seven to nine hours of healthy sleep per night have more energy to take on the day.

Of course, sleeping on a new custom mattress will help, but there are other tricks you can incorporate to improve your quality of sleep. 

For example, did you know there are scented and unscented indoor plants that help you sleep better?

These must-have plants purify the air in your bedroom so you can breathe easily. They can also calm your mind and relieve you of stress and anxiety, which are common causes of insomnia

So let’s explore the numerous benefits of these plants and determine which ones are the best to include in your bedroom.

What Are the Benefits of Sleep Inducing Plants?

  • Air purification
  • Calm Nerves
  • Mood Boost
  • Noise control

Plants that help you sleep purify the air: Greenery improves air quality while you sleep. A variety of plants absorb airborne toxins such as ammonia, benzene, formaldehyde, xylene, etc. These enter your home mainly through cleaning supplies and plastic items. Plants also release oxygen, take in carbon dioxide, and balance the humidity levels. 

Plants that induce sleep calm your nerves: Some plants have a safe sedative effect when inhaled or consumed. Thanks to them, you can naturally calm down and fall asleep easily.

Plants for better sleep boost your mood: Greenery creates a lively environment via beautiful appearance and soothing colors. These characteristics affect the human’s mental and psychical health. Curiously enough, when you grow plants at home, you are unknowingly taking better care of yourself. Greenery help with anxiety, stress, and depression!

Indoor plants help you control noise pollution: Plants can absorb some noise pollution, such as nearby construction or traffic sounds. Thus they create a calm domestic environment where you fully relax.

1. Lavender (Lavandula)

Lavender plant for sleep

Lavender’s pleasant aroma is known to help women fall asleep, calm crying babies and have a soothing effect on the nervous system.  Grow lavender directly in your room – place it near a window with direct sunlight or under a plant grow light. Lavender growing kits are available at your favorite garden store.    

2. Roses (Rosaceae)

Image of roses

According to a 2007 report by, a well-known study found a direct correlation with infusing a bedroom with rose aromas and quality of sleep. Researchers confirm that odor cues during slow-wave sleep prompt declarative memory consolidation.

This phenomenon requires as little as a bouquet, where you can arrange the flowers to match with fresh accents, comment an expert at The Bouqs Company.

3. Gardenias (Gardenia)

Gardenia flower

Gardenias have thick glossy leaves and fragrant blossoms. You can grow these sleep-inducing plants in containers and keep them in your room. Indoor gardenias need bright light but not direct sunlight. Caring for these flowering plants may seem a bit labor-intensive but when the result is a good night’s sleep, it’s definitely worth it!

4. Jasmine (Jasminum)

Jasmine Plant for Sleep

The appearance and scent of this exotic plant are quite soothing — that is why you see so many jasmine-based teas, bath, and perfume products on the market. Most jasmine flowers are white, but there are other shades in yellow, light pink and ivory.

Plant jasmine shrubs in small pots to contain indoor growth — they get pretty big when embedded outdoors — and place them in partial sunlight. The scent of blooming jasmine will have you dozing in no time!

5. Aloe Vera (Aloes)

Aloe plant

When you plant one aloe, get ready for generations of this succulent to follow — they are very prolific. But aloe vera plants produce oxygen at night and do not need frequent watering or direct sunlight; they do well on a windowsill. An added bonus? Aloe fronds secrete a gel that you can use to treat cuts and burns, insect bites and dry skin. 

6. Snake Plant (Dracaena trifasciata)

Sleep better with a snake plant

Do snake plants help you sleep?

Snake plants are easy to care for and they emit oxygen at night while drawing in carbon dioxide. These plants also filter common household toxins from the air — benzene, trichloroethylene, and formaldehyde.  In other words, they improve the quality of the air flowing in the bedroom and benefit your good night’s sleep.

7. Peace Lily (Spathiphyllium)

Peace Lily Plant for Sleep

Place a peace lily or two in your bedroom and you’ll be breathing better at night.  They are both pleasant to look and practical since they filter toxins from the air.

Peace lilies also increase the humidity in the bedroom and suppress airborne microbes that might trigger allergies. Humid air in the bedroom keeps your nose and throat moist so that you don’t wake up coughing and choking in the middle of the night. Place your peace lily in the shade and water it once a week. Keep these plants out of the reach of children and pets!

8. Golden Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)

Pothos plant

This plant is perfect for the bedroom because it needs very little light or maintenance. In a recent study, scientists at NASA found golden pothos removes carbon monoxide and formaldehyde from the air. Like the peace lily, this plant is poisonous if ingested, so it’s best kept away from children and pets. 

9. Valerian (Valeriana officinalis)

Valerian plant

Valerian is noted for its somewhat-hypnotic properties, acting like a sedative on the nervous system. Inhaling this fragrant herb helps with sleep disorders and insomnia.

10. Gerbera Daisy (Gerbaera)

Gerbera Daisy

Gerbera Daisies are not only sweetly-smelling and cheerful flowers, but they release plenty of oxygen into the air.  They also absorb carbon monoxide and other toxins. With bright shades of orange, red, yellow, pink, and lavender, Gerberas, as they’re also called, are available at garden stores year-round.

11. English Ivy (Hedera helix)

English Ivy

With detoxifying effects and nicely-formed foliage, English Ivy is in the same realm as Aloe vera and spider plants when it comes to absorbing allergens.  However, English Ivy is toxic, so if you have pets or small children, you’ll want to keep it out of their reach. Before watering, check the soil — ivy prefers its bed to be a bit on the dry side. Lots of bright light throughout the year and spring fertilizing will help ivy plants thrive.

12. Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema)

Chinese Evergreen Plant for Sleep

Chinese Evergreen is versatile and able to handle different types of indoor environments. This plant grows about 2 to 3 feet tall and has dark-green pointed leaves featuring patterns of white, red, and cream. The Chinese Evergreen absorbs air pollutants and toxins at night. They thrive in filtered sunlight, well-draining soil and moderate amounts of water.

13. Sage (Salvia officinalis)

Sage plant

With sage, you can breathe in its sweet scent and flavor your favorite foods. This herb is often used for medicinal properties and is a common ingredient in tea and essential oils.  

Mince up a few leaves and put them in a sachet bag. Place the sachet under or next to your pillow for a good night’s sleep. 

14. Areca Palm (dypsis lutescens)

Areca Palm Plant for Sleep

Areca Palms are easy to grow indoors but they do get fairly tall — about 6 or 7 feet. These palms with their yellowish-green fronds give off a tropical look, absorb air pollution, toxins, and allergens. 

They also release humidity into the air — that’s especially good for winter’s dryness. They’ll need watering in spring and summer.

15. Hop Cones (humulus lupulus)

hop cone plant for sleep


Hop Cones are a common ingredient for flavoring beer, and they give off a sedated feeling when being handled. Hops combined with valerian can help with anxiety and sleep issues.

16. Chamomile (asteraceae, compositae)

Chamomile Flowers for Sleep

Chamomile looks like a daisy. They have long stems, white petals, and yellow centers. Chamomile is high on the list of sleep-inducing plants, especially when brewed in tea, used as bath products, or placed in potpourri.  

17. Spider Plant (chlorophytum comosum)

Spider plant

This plant absorbs harmful substances that disturb sleep such as benzene, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, and xylene. The Spider plant is easy to maintain and is almost indestructible. It’s perfect for people who don’t have a lot of experience in taking care of plants!

18. Dracaena Colorama (asparagaceae)

Choose Dracaena Colorama if you need an ally in the battle against air irritants. This plant absorbs benzene, formaldehyde, toluene, and xylene. While you sleep, the Dracaena will protect you from toxins.
To return the favor, place the Dracaena Colorama under indirect sunlight and water it moderately when the top layer is completely dry.

19. Elecampane Flower (inula helenium)

Elecampane Flower

The Elecampane flower is yellow and looks like a daisy. Its roots release chemicals that help with respiratory problems due to low air quality in the bedroom. The Elecampane flower can also treat staphylococcus infections.

This plant thrives when there’s plenty of sunlight and water.

20. Ficus Benjamina (ficus benjamina)

Ficus Benjamina Plant

This plant also falls under the air-purifying category due to its antimicrobial properties. The Ficus Benjamina resembles a small tree and is perfect for creating your own bonsai. Keep in mind that it requires high levels of humidity and light to live a long and happy life.

21. Calamus (acorus calamus)

To benefit the most out of the healing properties of Calamus, create a tincture from it. Either drink it or rub it gently on your skin. It works like a light sedative for pain relief and calm nerves. The Calamus will prepare you for a night of restful sleep.

22. Passiflora (passifloraceae)

Passiflora Plant

Passiflora (also known as Passionflower) is extremely beautiful and gives a tropical vibe to the bedroom. This plant is suitable for calming a disturbed mind and ensures relaxed sleep.

23. Chrysanthemum (asteraceae)

Chrysanthemum plant

Chrysanthemums usually play the main role in stunning flower bouquets. But their beauty isn’t their only advantage – these flowers also absorb toxic substances from the air. This makes them a perfect decor addition for the bedroom.

24. Rosemary (salvia rosmarinus)

Rosemary Plant

Rosemary is a delicious spice that isn’t only a good addition to your meals but to your bedroom as well. You’re probably raising an eyebrow, but this plant does help with relaxation and induces sleep! Place a small bowl with rosemary on your bedside table to ensure you doze off easily.

Wrapping Up Plants & Sleep

Truly refreshing sleep is never overrated. As you get older, it may take some planning to get the right amount of quality sleep in order to focus the following day. Plants, music, scents, a comfortable bed – it’s all part of the package for a good night’s sleep.

Sleep 101

Understanding the process is a good way to begin when determining which plants to add to your bedroom. The brain cycles through several stages of sleep before hitting Rapid Eye Movement (REM).


  • In stage 1, your eyes are closed.  You are dozing but it’s easy to wake up.  Stage 1 lasts for about 5 10 15 minutes.
  • Stage 2 is a light sleep where your heart rate slows down and body temperature drops.
  • Stage 3 is deep sleep. It’s harder to wake up and if you do, you’ll be disoriented for a few minutes.

During non-REM sleep, the human body regrows and repairs tissues, strengthens the immune system and rebuilds bone and muscle.


Truly refreshing sleep is never overrated. As you get older, it may take some planning to catch the right amount of quality sleep needed for keeping your focus the following day.  Plants, music, scents, a comfortable bed … it’s all part of the package for a good night’s sleep.

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