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SIDS : How to Reduce the Risk [Infographic]

Let’s face it:

Experts don’t know what causes Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

What they do know is how to minimize the risks.

In today’s infographic, you’ll learn some interesting facts about SIDS along with 10 ways you can reduce the risks.

Check it out:

Sids Prevention

Decreasing the likelihood of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

What is SIDS?
The meaning of SIDS is sudden infant death syndrome.

The term was invented to explain the unexpected death of infants under the age of one.

SIDS is also referred to as “crib death” due to the location of the babies when they’re found. Having said that, SIDS isn’t caused by babies being in cribs.

What should I know about SIDS?
While it’s unclear what triggers SIDS, there are certain things that health care providers encourage parents to do that will help keep their babies safe:
· Rest your baby on its back for safety. Studies show that SIDS is much more prevalent in babies who sleep on their stomachs.
· Consider the Sleeping Surface. Infants who sleep under or on top of plush bedding are more likely to die of SIDS.
· Be vigilant about all types of sleep. Whether your baby is taking a nap or going down for the night, it’s important to place them on their backs. Risk for SIDS runs higher whenever a baby is sleeping on its stomach.
· Thanks to the dedication and commitment from parents across the country, communities everywhere have done well reducing the cases of SIDS. The rate of deaths attributed to SIDS has declined by over 50 percent since the Back to Sleep Campaign started in 1994.

Quick SIDS Facts
● The leading cause of death in babies between the ages of one month and one year, is SIDS.
● The most common age of death by SIDS is between two and four months.
● African American Babies are two times more likely to die of SIDS than Caucasian babies.
● Alaskan and Native American infants are three times more likely to die from SIDS as Caucasian babies.

How do I reduce my baby’s chance of SIDS?
We’ve come up with a list of ten ways you can lower the risk of SIDS for your baby.

Top 10 safe sleeping tips
1) Babies must always sleep on their backs. Whether it’s for a nap or at night, sleeping on the back is the safest position for your baby.
2) Sleep surface matters. Make sure your crib and mattress has been safety-approved and is covered with a fitted sheet. Avoid laying your baby down on soft surfaces such as pillows, sheepskins and quilts.
3) Avoid soft toys, objects, or loose bedding in the crib. Avoid using pillows, blankets, quilts, sheepskins, or soft crib bumpers where your baby sleeps and keep all dangerous objects away from your baby’s face.
4) Smoking kills. No one should smoke around your baby. As a parent, it’s crucial that you don’t smoke during your pregnancy or after the birth.
5) Sleep close to your baby but in a separate space. To avoid smothering your baby and other accidents that can occur during your sleep, babies must have their own space and not sleep in your bed with you or another child. If the baby comes into bed with you for a feeding, don’t let them or you fall asleep in that position. It’s imperative that the baby goes back into its own bed (bassinet, cradle, crib, bed side cosleeper).
6) Consider using a clean and dry pacifier to help your baby sleep. Your baby mustn’t be forced to take the pacifier, but this could help reduce the risk of SIDS. Wait until your child is 1 month old if you’re breastfeeding or at least until they are used to breastfeeding before using a pacifier.
7) Prevent your baby from overheating. It’s important that your baby is dressed in light clothing when you put them down so that they stay at a normal temperature. What you like, your baby should like.
8) Avoid SIDS risk reducing products. There are very few products out there that have actually been approved for safety or success.
9) SIDS cannot be prevented by home monitors. While baby monitors can be very useful, they shouldn’t be relied upon when it comes to protecting your infant from SIDS. Speak to a health care professional for more information.
10) Prevent Flat Spots from Developing on Your Baby’s Head. While sleeping on the back is important for babies, when they’re awake, make sure to give them ample time on their belly while being supervised by an adult. “Tummy time” helps babies develop properly while decreasing the chance of flat spots that can develop on the back of their head due to too much time in one position. In addition, make sure to alternate the direction your baby lies in the crib every week and avoid excessive time in carriers, car seats, and bouncers.

Q. I’m scared for my baby’s safety – won’t it choke if it’s sleeping on its back?
A. Nope. Babies are equipped to handle sleeping on their backs. Healthy babies can swallow or cough to avoid choking. There’s no research that shows babies who sleep on their backs choke more than babies who sleep on their tummies.
Have fun and keep your baby safe!

Contact Consumer Product Safety Commission at 1-800-638-2772 for more information on crib safety guidelines.


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